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Gateway Community College Selects Vincent P. Tong for Staff of the Year Award 2019

Dr. Vincent P. Tong, director of Institutional Research, was selected for the fourteenth annual Gateway Community College (GCC) Staff Appreciation Award.
Dr. Rose Ellis, GCC’s dean of Administrative Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, announced the honor during the Awards Convocation on Wednesday, May 15 at GCC. Each year, the administration selects one staff member to receive the award and Tong’s nomination was unanimously approved.
As Director of Institutional Research, Tong conducts data collection, analysis, and information management. He also provides data for student success, strategic planning, and grant writing. His performance is exceptional and he is always willing to take on new challenges. He is on the Board of Regent’s Steering Committee overseeing the effectiveness of developmental education in the system. For 10 years, he served as the affirmative action officer at GCC.
Tong was invited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), now the New England Commissioner of Higher Education (NECHE), to be on the accreditation team and learned from interacting with team members from different academic institutions. His vast experience has been very useful to GCC for the current accreditation self-study. Tong has served as a tri-chair of the NECHE accreditation team at GCC for six years. As tri-chair, he is on the Steering Committee for the comprehensive accreditation visit, responsible for providing data, information, and knowledge for the study. He is also an active member of GCC’s Achieving the Dream.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from New York University, a Master of Arts from the University of Michigan, and his Ph.D. from Yale University.