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GCC Staff of the Year Award
Gateway Community College (GCC) is pleased to announce that the Staff Member of the Year Award was given to Susan Swirsky in recognition of her extraordinary 35-year affiliation with the College at the Convocation Awards Ceremony on May 17th in the Curran Community Center.
Swirsky first joined the GCC staff as a secretary to the Dean of Instruction in 1983. In 1986, she was promoted to administrative assistant to Dr. Margaret Bauer, the Dean of Instruction/Vice President, and acting executive assistant to Interim President Bauer in 1992. That year, Swirsky also became administrative assistant to the Dean of Technical Education, and over the next four years served on several committees—as co-chair of the Support Staff Council (SSC) and as GCC’s SSC representative on the College Senate, a member of the Core Committee, the Mission and Vision Statement Formulation Committee, the Affirmative Action Advisory Council, and as co-coordinator for the State Employees Care Giving Campaign.
Swirsky was appointed administrative assistant to the Dean of Academic Affairs and the Director of Foundation Affairs in 1996 for one year, during which she became the co-team leader of the College’s Institutional Planning Team, in addition to her other continuing committee memberships. In 1997, Susan was appointed administrative assistant to the Dean of Development and Community Partnerships, the position she continues to hold today.
Over the last 20 years, Swirsky has taken substantial interest in the GCC Foundation and the development of student scholarships, and Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society of Two-Year Colleges, of which she has served as Associate Regional Coordinator since 2013. Though Swirsky says that she is proud of so many things she has done in her years at GCC, she cites her involvement in the GCC Foundation and Phi Theta Kappa as her most satisfying accomplishments.
Aside from her responsibilities as administrative assistant to the Dean of Development and Community Partnerships, Swirsky has served as GCC’s union steward for the American Federation of State, City, and Municipal Employees’ (AFSCME) clerical members since 1997.
Swirsky met her husband, David Swirsky, at the college. He was College Registrar for many years. They are now married some 30 years and enjoy golfing, boating, and traveling together. She also enjoys spending time with her 26-year old daughter, Nicole.