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Professor Megan DeLivron Named Chair of Mathematics and Sciences Department

Beginning in the new 2022-year, Professor of Chemistry Megan DeLivron will be appointed as the new Chair for Mathematics and Sciences Department. After almost 15 years of service, Professor Rocky Tremblay will step down as current chair upon his retirement on January 1, 2022.
Professor Megan DeLivron steps into the new role with a history of positively impacting students, her fellow colleagues, and the Gateway community. Here are a few of Megan’s achievements since starting at GCC:
- Developed hybrid sections of BIO 121, CHE 111, CHE 222
- Helped to found GCC’s Online Teach and Learning Committee which she chaired for several years
- Served on TAP Biology and Biochemistry workgroups, Scientific Knowledge and Understanding competency committees, and the System-Wide Biology Faculty Committee
- Serves as the Faculty Advisor of the TAP Biology and Biochemistry Programs
- Wrote and published low-cost lab manuals for Biochemistry, General (Molecular) Biology, and Concepts of Chemistry
- Co-developed the Yale Summer Enrichment Research Experience (YSERE) which provides early research experiences for GCC students in 2019
- Designed and taught a skills institute for New Haven area undergraduates on PCR and molecular cloning in 2020
- 2016 Recipient of the Board of Regents System-Wide Teaching Award for the Community Colleges
In addition to the many accomplishments, Megan collaborates with various partners to promote opportunities for GCC students. These partners include the Yale School of Medicine, the Yale Program in Physics, Engineering, and Biology (PEB), and the Yale Biological and Biomedical Sciences Diversity and Inclusion Collective.