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Gateway Community College CEO Named to Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce

New Haven, Conn.– Gateway Community College (GCC) CEO William “Terry” Brown, Ph.D., was among nine new Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce (GNHCC) board members elected and installed during the organization’s 228th Annual Meeting & Business Leadership Awards this fall.
“The Chamber is a wonderful resource for the 15 towns and cities it serves, and I am pleased to join this remarkable group of leaders” said Brown, who noted through the college’s partnership with GNHCC, Gateway is able to connect students with vitally important partners, scholarship funders, and support opportunities. “This organization understands and supports the key role higher education plays in building our current and future workforce, and provides advocacy for the educational and health care sectors, area social service organizations and regional businesses.”
Brown was appointed as Gateway's CEO in 2020. Prior to that, he held positions as special assistant to the president for strategic initiatives, and vice president for academic and student affairs at Nashville State Community College (NCCC) Tennessee. Previously he also served as an associate dean and dean of academic affairs at Housatonic Community College and as an administrator and faculty member at Naugatuck Valley and Norwalk Community Colleges.
Brown holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, with a minor in secondary education from the University of Florida, and master’s and doctoral degrees in clinical psychology from the University of Delaware. He finished his professional training at Yale School of Medicine, completing predoctoral fellowships at Yale-New Haven Hospital and Yale Psychiatric Institute (now Yale-New Haven Psychiatric Hospital), and a post-doctoral fellowship at Yale Child Study Center.
Brown is married to Yulonda Brown (née Candelario), a New Haven native and Gateway graduate. They live in North Branford with their son Zion, currently a student at GCC.