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Gateway to College (GtC) Caravan Celebrates Local Graduates

On June 20 the Gateway to College (GtC) team embarked on a city-wide graduation caravan to visit close to 40 high school graduates enrolled in the semester-to-semester GtC scholarship program, which enables students to earn a high school diploma via Gateway, in partnership with New Haven Public Schools. The caravan started in the Hamden, Newhallville area, traveled through Dixwell, Beaver Hills and Dwight neighborhoods, then toured Fair Haven, Fair Haven Heights, and the Annex. The caravan then circled around to the Hill and ended in the Westville, West Rock Community.
Graduates wore caps and gowns and were accompanied by family and loved ones as they were greeted by the GtC core team, which included Erik Murrell, associate director, GtC. Along with diplomas and a gift bag provided by Patricia Melton, president of New Haven Promise, GtC’s sister program, students were also provided a photo opportunity, and a much-deserved celebratory moment of unbridled horn honking, applause, and a hip-hop version of Pomp and Circumstance.
"Gateway to College students and their families have exhibited the type of fortitude, resilience, and perseverance that accomplishments are made of,” Murrell said. “The class of 2020 was presented with a wealth of barriers in completing their course work, yet they rose to the occasion on all fronts. It is because of their hard work that they are one step closer to realizing their dreams and aspirations. Ultimately, The Gateway to College team is honored to have played a role in these students academic success, and we'll continue to advise, and counsel them in their next-steps.”
GtC provides high schoolers a unique alternative education opportunity in that they receive college credits toward an associate’s or technical degree.
According to Murrell, “This particular group of students has inspired their families, the GtC team, and the community at large. We couldn't ask for a more suited driving force. We're so proud of each and everyone of them, and we're very much looking forward to their continued success."
To see more photos, visit the New Haven Public School's website, To learn more about the Gateway to College (GtC) program visit