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Patriot Day

Dear CSCU Community,
In my system address yesterday, I spent some time reflecting on the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, about the gripping fear, unimaginable grief, and the feeling that our world had been changed forever. I won’t re-hash those thoughts today. Instead, I want to take a moment to recognize that tomorrow will be a difficult day for many within our system. As we all know, Connecticut suffered a tremendous loss 20 years ago, with more than 150 people with close connections to the state losing their lives. In the ensuing years, many more of our residents have served in overseas conflicts. As a system that takes great pride in the service we provide to veterans, we know that many of our colleagues and students have served – or continue to serve – in uniform. We thank each of you for your service and sacrifice.
This anniversary is a reminder of the importance of continuing to tell the stories of 9/11 victims and survivors. 20 years later, many of our students were not yet born or were too young to remember the attacks or the aftermath. It remains our responsibility as educators to ensure that the next generation understands why we pause to reflect on this day, and why we pledge to never forget.
If you are able, this weekend provides a great opportunity to volunteer your time, in memory of our compatriots who are no longer with us, to make our state a better place. Below are just a few opportunities.
AmeriCorps 9/11 Day (
Veterans Support Foundation (
Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services: IRIS (
Connecticut Foodshare (
Regardless of how you spend it, I hope everyone within our system has a reflective and meaningful day.