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Campus Life News

GCC Security Measures in Place and Effective


On Feb. 5, GCC President Dorsey L. Kendrick was contacted by New Haven Chief of Police Dean Esserman, who informed Kendrick that the FBI discovered that a woman posted threats against the college on her Facebook page. Chief Esserman and GCC security had been contacted by the FBI, and were told that there was no imminent danger as a result of the post, but an investigation was underway. The chief requested that Dr. Kendrick and GCC security keep the matter confidential until the investigation was complete. The president, Administrative Dean Lou D’Antonio, and security staff continued to monitor the situation with the New Haven Police Department until they were informed that the woman, 19 year old Amanda Bowden, who is not a Gateway student and has no apparent links to the college, had been taken into custody and booked on state and federal charges.

President Kendrick remains committed to making safety a continued priority, and wishes to express her gratitude to the New Haven Police Department, the FBI, and the excellent college security staff who provide a safe campus environment where learning remains the focus of our work.  

The college spent approximately $1.2 million on enhanced security over the past year.

“The security and safety of Gateway students and personnel are always a top priority,” says Dr. Kendrick. “Throughout the relocation process, college personnel met with City of New Haven public safety officials to proactively plan for the safety of students and employees as well as for the facility and the equipment housed within. Our strong partnership with the city and local law enforcement continues, and our security team meets with Chief Esserman on a weekly basis.”

When the college moved to the downtown location, the following safety and security measures were implemented:

  • A Life Safety system, with 186 state-of-the-art security cameras that continually monitor the buildings' interiors, exteriors and parking garage.
  • Sixty-four blue-light emergency phones within the interior corridors of the buildings and along its exteriors, including the garage and the Early Learning Center playground. 
  • Security staff that includes 20 security guards, 6 police officers and one state police officer. GCC augments college personnel and contracted security guards with New Haven police officers.
  • Security personnel at three response-ready stations; all three main entrances, and the two GCC parking garage entrances. All security personnel are certified in First Aid and CPR.

“Campus security is a priority for all 17 state colleges and universities,” states Colleen Flanagan, director of public affairs for the Board of Regents System Office. “We are in the process of retaining a public safety consulting firm to conduct an environmental scan of the policies, procedures, and practices across all 17 institutions which will allow the Regents to be better informed as we continue to discuss campus safety and security.”

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